The future is where hope collides with experience.
The future is the place where the present meets the unknown.
The future is the place where optimism and pessimism yield to reality.
The future is the place where we can imagine what we want the present to
Scenarios are tools for helping us understand the future. They do not try
to predict the future, rather they point out aspects of the future that
could happen, and by inference what we can do in the present to bring the
desired aspects of the future into being. More technically, a scenario is
a logical sequence of events that shows how, starting from the present a
future condition might evolve step by step. It is a synergetic synoptic
view of as many developments as can be grasped and as may appear relevant
to an experimental simulation of a possible reality.
More simply: scenarios are ways of organizing our experiences in ways that
allow us to look at, understand, and influence the future.
The FutureGame uses a series of scenarios to structure
its BigPicture strategic planning process. Four generic scenarios are presented
here to provide you with a feel for the richness and depth of BigPicture
Consulting's work. The scenarios are a way of organizing and examining the
possibilities of the future. They are organized into four fundamental pathways
to the future. All four scenarios are operating somewhere or in many places
in the present day world. They are all compelling and possible, and are
in a Darwinian, survival of the fittest, competition for our attention,
as well as for our fears, desires, money and ultimately, our commitment.
FutureGame Scenario 1: Momentum
FutureGame Scenario 2: Brake/Break-down
FutureGame Scenario 3: Breakthrough